Distribution Solutions

Uncover the solutions DMS ERP offers to address common challenges experienced by Distribution companies.
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Pain Point #1 Inefficient Inventory Management and Visibility

Distribution companies often grapple with inefficient inventory management, characterized by inaccurate stock levels, misplaced items, and inadequate visibility across multiple warehouses. This inefficiency can lead to significant issues such as overstocking or stockouts, which result in increased holding costs or lost sales due to unavailable products. Furthermore, the lack of real-time visibility into inventory status complicates decision-making and hampers effective supply chain management.


DMS ERP provides sophisticated inventory management tools and comprehensive visibility across your entire distribution network.

How It Works

  • Real-Time Inventory Tracking: DMS ERP offers real-time tracking capabilities, allowing distribution companies to see current stock levels at all times across all locations. This immediate visibility helps maintain accurate inventory records and reduce the risks of overstocking or understocking.
  • Integrated Inventory Control: The ERP system integrates inventory management with other key business functions, such as sales order processing, purchasing, and financial reporting. This integration enables seamless data flow across departments, ensuring that all parts of the organization have access to the same up-to-date inventory information. It also facilitates automated reordering processes, where purchase orders are automatically generated when inventory falls below predetermined levels, streamlining procurement and maintaining optimal stock levels.
  • Replenishment: DMS ERP systems can streamline the replenishment process by setting reorder points and generate purchase orders when inventory falls below predefined thresholds. This ensures timely restocking, minimizes human error, and maintains consistent supply levels without excessive manual intervention.
  • Location Management: For distribution companies with multiple warehouses or distribution centers, DMS ERP offers robust location management features. These features allow for tracking inventory across various locations, facilitating the efficient allocation and redistribution of stock based on regional demands and logistical considerations. This capability enhances service levels by ensuring that products are available where and when they are needed most.


DMS ERP streamlines order processing and fulfillment for distribution companies by simplifying order entry, enabling running orders, and integrating inventory and sales data.

How It Works

  • Streamlined Order Entry: DMS ERP simplifies the order entry process, reducing manual data entry and the potential for errors. This speeds up order processing, allowing for quicker order turnaround times. Integrated systems ensure that all order information is accurate and up-to-date across the distribution chain.
  • Integrated Inventory and Sales Data: By integrating inventory management with order processing, DMS ERP ensures that sales data is directly linked to current inventory levels. This integration provides real-time availability status during the order entry process, preventing the sale of items that are out of stock and enhancing customer satisfaction through accurate orders.
  • Efficient Order Fulfillment: DMS ERP optimizes the picking, packing, and shipping processes by providing warehouse staff with precise instructions and routes for order fulfillment. This efficiency not only speeds up these processes but also reduces the likelihood of errors, ensuring that customers receive the correct items promptly.

Pain Point #2 Manual Order Processing and Fulfillment

Manual and disjointed order processing systems often result in slow order turnaround, errors in order fulfillment, and an inability to meet customer expectations for prompt and accurate delivery. These inefficiencies can lead to customer dissatisfaction, increased returns, and a loss of business to competitors who can deliver more reliably.

Pain Point #3 Financial Management and Reporting

Distribution companies often struggle with fragmented financial management systems that lead to inefficient financial operations, delayed financial reporting, and a lack of actionable financial insights. Manual processes and disconnected financial data can result in inaccuracies in financial statements, compliance risks, and a poor understanding of the company's financial health, hindering strategic decision-making


DMS ERP enhances financial management and reporting for distribution companies by centralizing financial data and automating key financial processes.

How It Works

  • Integrated Financial Data: With an operations focused ERP, financial data is integrated across various business functions, including sales, purchasing, and inventory management. This integration provides a comprehensive view of the company's financial status, allowing for more accurate financial planning and budgeting. Real-time financial visibility helps managers track profitability, manage cash flow effectively, and make informed financial decisions.
  • Reporting and Analytics: DMS ERP comes equipped with powerful reporting and analytics tools that generate detailed financial reports and dashboards. These tools offer insights into financial performance, operational costs, and revenue trends. Advanced analytics capabilities allow for segmentation and drill-down into financial data, enabling detailed analysis and helping identify areas for cost reduction and performance improvement.
  • Scalability for Financial Growth: As distribution companies grow, DMS ERP can scale to accommodate increased financial transactions and more complex financial management needs. Scalable ERP solutions support business expansion, including entering new markets and managing additional currencies and tax requirements.

DMS ERP Modules

Explore our five feature-rich modules that collaboratively address other specific pain points you may have.
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